Groovy Music You Can Do Anything To

Stevenson University student Tom McLean

Name: Tom McLean
Class: Senior
Major: Digital Marketing
Favorite Genre of Music: Psychedelic Indie Pop 
Favorite Artist: The Beatles, Tame Impala, Dr. Dog

Psychedelic Indie Pop is the kind of music that tends to be very nostalgic for me. Not necessarily the lyrics, but more so the atmosphere and mood of the songs. Also, The Beatles are very important to me, and this genre is full of new bands who sound like they were inspired by The Beatles.

 A lot of artists who fall under this genre have a variety of songs that sound different. One song could be super dancey and groovy, the next song on the record could be slow and melancholy.

This kind of genre is appropriate for pretty much anything, like studying, driving, hanging out, or getting together with friends.

Check out my Spotify playlist down below to hear some of my favorite songs!

Tom's Spotify Playlist

Also follow Modern Nomad which is Tom's Spotify where he makes his own original songs! (I recommend Nothing to Be Said it’s my personal favorite!)
