R&B Touches Your Soul

Stevenson University student Gabrielle Buckles
Name: Gabrielle Buckles
Class: Junior
Major: Nursing
Favorite Genre of Music: R&B
Favorite Artist: Rihanna

I love R&B because I grew up listening to it. My mom loved Maxwell and would play it to calm me down as a baby. As I got older, I began exploring and loving other R&B artists. And I truly believe it will never go out of style!

Rihanna has made such a change for the music industry and even the makeup industry. I love how she is very caring towards her fans and she has remained humble during her career. 

She has been through a ton of hardships, I believe she is a good role model for people, especially young women!

Gabrielle's Top 5 Favorite Songs:

Singer Rihanna Putting On Crown
